
DBMoney is library that enables access to tables of EIS Money 2000 SE/S3 of the CIGLER SOFTWARE, a.s. company. Money 2000 SE is the most widespread EIS in Czechia, it works on Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP platform, but databases are stored in internal structure. It makes external access to databases more difficult, for own e-shop, print of labels on dot matrix printer, data processing, etc.

Database is file based similar to dBase files. File extension are DAT, DIX, DIA, MDI, MDT. Root data are in DAT files, in extra files are memos, indexis and locks. CIGLER SOFTWARE, a.s. company supplies MON2KDBE.DLL library (COM) that enables read/write access to database. It means enables multiuser cooperative access of Money 2000 SE and another COM clients. Unfortunately library exports COM interface for database access but the interface is not easy utilizable in Delphi (it's not ODBC, BDE, TDataSet, etc.).

Therefore was developed DBMoney for Delphi library that encapsulates the MON2KDBE.DLL. Its fundamental component TMoneyTable is direct descendent of TDataSet component and don't need Borland Database Engine. In Delphi is possible work with Money 2000 SE databases with the same way as with DBF, DB tables which are supported in BDE. Function are described in enclosed guide and is evindent from demo DBMBROW application.



Read/write access implemented, including Date, Time and Memo field type.


All navigation functions First, Prior, Next, Last, EOF, BOF, IsEmpty, and bookmarks are implemented.


Table locks and record locks are supported.

Master / detail

Fully implemented master/detail behavior as in the DBTables unit. There is detail table index required for link fields. If is in this index more fields than linked, for remaining fields search and range fieled may be used.


DAT tables have implemented one or multi field indexes.


Enables record filtering according to current index. SetRangeStart, SetRangeEnd, ApplyRange, SetRange, EditRangeStart, EditRangeEnd, CancelRange function are similar to DBTables unit ones. Besides it's possible set any text filter. Evaluation is done in MON2DFLT.DLL. But for expression evaluation it's necessary write own algorithm.


Find, FindNearest, GotoKey, SetKey, EditKey function are implemented similar to DBTables unit. In addition is possible to search also in the detail tables if fields are containted in index.


Special field type enables assigning of unique ids to the new records.


This library (Automation Server) is supplied by CIGLER SOFTWARE, a.s. company and enables multiuser database access to Money 2000 SE/S3. It's not necessary call its functions directly. For correct function must be used library of current release.

To gain library write directly to manufacturer CIGLER SOFTWARE, a.s. Contact person is Mr.Libor Dvorak, email: ldvorak@ciglersw.cz.


Simple browser for direct table browsing and editing. Implemented features: index sorting, searching, mass value assigning etc. Is fit set browser as default viewer of ".DAT" files.