Forex: Metatrader4 modules

Forex indicators, helpers and strategies developed for Metatrader4.


The modules are supplied 'as is', free of charge. No warranty or obligation of support is implied. Download and use it at your own risk. I hope that you find it useful.


Bi-directional coversions between local time of any time zone and UTC. Daylight saving time is supported. Link to related sites may be found in include\TZDBHelper.mqh. The module is external DLL exporting functionality of Delphi package which implements TZ database (

Note the TZDB uses TDateTime (Delphi native type) type which is double where integer part is number of days since 1970 and fraction part represents day time. MT4 uses datetime represented as integer in Unix convention, i.e. number of seconds since 1970.

For conversion use TZDateTimeToUnix/TZUnixToDateTime functions. TZDB supports daylight saving time adjustments.

Market helper

Reusable library providing market information: time zone, market hours. News days or holidays may be avoided. News/holidays are taken from CSV file which can be prepared using FFCalendar tools ( FFCalendar imports, tize zone settings is crucial! Exported CSV file is to be filtered in Excel to shrink it, i.e. avoid useless events.

Trading hours

Simple line indication of trading hours at main markets. Time zone adjustment is supported. New markets can be easily added or modified. It uses TZDBHelper and MarketHelper libraries.

NY 7-9 Indicator

Indicates high/low levels of a period (NewYork 7-9AM) down the road till end of session. It may be used for some trading strategies. It uses TZDBHelper library as well.

NY 7-9 Info

Indicates high/low levels of last NewYork 7-9AM period and print out current price levels. It uses NY 7-9 Indicator library.

Pattern Helper

Reusable library providing candle recognition. Currently supported up to 3 candle patterns based on Trend is optionally used in recognition process.

Pattern Info

Pattern legend based on PatternHelper library.

Metatrader modules

Forex modules

FileSizeLast modif
ny_7-9_info.zip14.67 KB2012-03-05 22:20
markethelper.zip5.89 KB2012-03-05 22:20
tradinghours.zip7.43 KB2012-03-05 22:21
patterninfo.zip22.31 KB2012-03-05 22:21
patternhelper.zip8.45 KB2012-03-05 22:20
tzdbhelper.zip166.02 KB2012-03-05 22:21
common.zip5.58 KB2012-03-05 22:20
ny_7-9_indicator.zip11.54 KB2012-03-05 22:26